Sunday, October 29, 2006


it would seem my attempt to put photographs in the post below was not a success. help welcomed from someone with the wherewithal to assist

edit: Thanks Chris! here they are, inelegant but learninh curves often are


It's been a while, but I'm now set up here in Germany with a stable internet connection and my homesickness has abated sufficiently not to taint my opinions of my time here.
I'm about two weeks into classes here, mostly literature lectures but with a history seminar and one on silent film additionally, which are both German enough to count for Edinburgh. I've also started to learn Czech. I have no excuse for this, I just thought it may be fun.
I'm getting on well with people without yet having any actual friends, if that makes sense. Such bonds do seem to take time, and I am rather culturally isolated, was back at home come to that. I'm sure I'll manage, I do seem to be well-liked in general, conceited though that may sound. But I have dwelled too much on such things in my journal already, and certainly should not broadcast them to the ether. A friend back home always writes in moleskines, perhaps in an attempt to be like Hemingway or something, but I have resisted such fripperies, writing instead in a plan bound notebook. My lecture notes are taken in children's small jotters which bear the legend 'It's creative school!' on the front.
In my stationery shop the other day I saw that they had for sale love-letter ink, which is rose-scented. I managed to resist this marvellous anachronism but am writing an awful lot of letters - although I'm fully equipped for internet telephony something in me doesn't seem to sit well with the digital age, and besides, mistakes in ink are easier recanted. The downside is that I come across as frightfully and pompously verbose in writing, and that is never my intention.

presented here for your enjoyment, are the covers of 5 magazines I picked up at a fleamarket. They date from 1933, save one which is of 1935 vintage. The picture quality isn't great, because they come from the camera on my mobile phone. Hark at me, with my technology
hopefully it'll work

one more thing to add today
Of all the things I rhought I'd take away with me from this year abroad, a filling was not high on the list. And yet I have it, a little piece if Germany glued into my mouth. The dentoist was awfully nice about the whole thing, and it didn't hurt a bit. I've not got a picture of that, this is not that sort of blog.